Aiub Id Card

    AIUB introduces new biometric ID cards for students

    American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) has announced the introduction of new biometric ID cards for their students. The move comes as part of the university’s efforts to enhance security and streamline administrative processes on campus.

    The new biometric ID cards will contain unique biometric data of each student, such as fingerprints or iris scans, in addition to the usual photo and personal information. This will not only ensure that only authorized individuals have access to the university premises but also make it easier for students to verify their identity when using various university services.

    Dr. Carmen Z. Lamagna, Vice Chancellor of AIUB, expressed her excitement about the introduction of the new biometric ID cards. She stated, “We are always looking for ways to improve the experience of our students on campus, and these new biometric ID cards will provide an added layer of security while also simplifying administrative processes.”

    The university plans to roll out the new biometric ID cards in phases, starting with new students enrolling in the upcoming academic year. Current students will also be able to replace their existing ID cards with the new biometric ones, free of charge. The university has set up dedicated registration centers on campus to facilitate the issuance of the new ID cards.

    Shafiqul Islam, a senior student at AIUB, expressed his support for the new biometric ID cards. He said, “I think it’s a great idea to have our biometric data on our ID cards. It will make everything more secure, and I won’t have to worry about losing or misplacing my ID card anymore.”

    The introduction of the new biometric ID cards aligns with AIUB’s commitment to leveraging technology to enhance the overall student experience. The university has been at the forefront of incorporating digital solutions into its academic and administrative processes to ensure efficiency and convenience for students and staff.

    In addition to the new biometric ID cards, AIUB has also been actively involved in initiatives to promote innovation and entrepreneurship among its students. The university regularly organizes workshops, seminars, and competitions to encourage students to develop their creative thinking and problem-solving skills.

    Overall, the introduction of the new biometric ID cards at AIUB reflects the university’s commitment to providing a safe and secure environment for its students while also embracing the latest technological advancements. The move is expected to be well-received by the student body and contribute to a more efficient campus experience for all.
    aiub id card
    aiub id card
    aiub id card
    aiub id card